"We live in very energetic and noisy but still very isolated times," Karan Johar wrote in his eulogy for Sushant Singh Rajput New Delhi: Actor Sushant Singh Rajput's tragic death on Sunday prompted filmmaker Karan Johar to look inwards. "I blame myself for not having been in touch with you for the past year," Mr Johar wrote on Instagram, adding "I have felt at times like you may have needed people to share your life with but somehow never followed up on that feeling, will never make the same mistake again." Mr Rajput, 34, was found dead at his home in Mumbai; police say he died of suicide and are investigating. No note was found, according to news agency PTI. Karan Johar noted that "we live in very energetic and noisy but still very isolated times, some of succumb to these silences and go within"; he also wrote that Sushant Singh Rajput's death had been a "huge wake up call." Karan Johar produced the Netflix fi...